#proctor servantis
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autistic-ben-tennyson ¡ 6 months ago
Another Lunter Comparison
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While I am a Benlie die hard, I do get the appeal of the Bevin ship, especially due to it having more chemistry and better writing than Ben’s M/F pairings. I noticed it has some things in common with Luz/Hunter. A non canon pairing between the main character and a former adversary turned ally who have better chemistry with each other than their actual girlfriends. The enemy turned friend character was abused and manipulated by a cruel master who convinced himself that his actions were for the greater good.
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It’s a ship that not everyone likes and many people prefer to see their bond as platonic or sibling-like but fans are allowed to like it and it does work for angst filled fanfiction or fanart. Despite one being a M/F ship and the other being yaoi, I can see some similarities between them.
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msnihilist ¡ 1 year ago
18 servantis/kevin
For the kiss prompt meme.
18: ...as encouragement
"Get up."
Kevin tries — he really does. But no matter how much he strains, the muscles in his arms are too sore, too defeated, too weak to do much more than wobble pathetically.
He's covered in bruises and cuts and burns where he's been electrocuted. Sweat mats Kevin's hair flat to his skull. He has never been so exhausted in his life — he's so tired that it hurts. Kevin can't feel his legs and every muscle in his body pulses like one huge bruise.
He lays his head back down on the ground and groans.
There's the sound of footsteps approaching. Kevin can't see Servantis' face, but he feels the man sneer.
"Don't be lazy, Kevin. I gave you an order. Get up."
"I can't," Kevin mumbles. His fingers curl into frustrated fists.
He wants to get up. He wants more than anything to impress Servantis — the person who gave him so many opportunities, who sees him as more than just a monster — but he simply can't.
Read the rest on AO3!
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theangrycomet-art ¡ 1 year ago
I stand by that this is one of my best pieces I've ever drawn
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Proctor knows Best Reprise. 
Or Devlin stands up for himself. 
Keep reading
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kariachi ¡ 1 month ago
Who wants some Centaur AU featuring Kevin having bad feet and Servantis's first phase in getting the boy under his thumb?
Warning: Servantis.
His hooves had never been in great shape. They couldn’t have been. His dad had hardly been willing to put in the effort to keep his own well-balanced, nonetheless take the parasite that lived in his house into see a farrier any more often than he had to. Overgrowth had been the norm, abscesses and detached horn common, and he’d long learned to tough his way through things that would have left a lesser Taur lame.
But- if just because of the school kept on his dad about it- they’d never gotten nearly so bad as they were. He could at least be sure that he’d get taken in for a trim once a year, have some of his problems looked at and rebalancing done even if he was never brought in to make sure the fixes were working.
Kevin’s hooves hadn’t seen a trimmer since he was nine.
Stood in a small room off a medbay, fidgeting under the unfamiliar weight of his new uniform’s blanket, he grit his teeth as the Proctor manipulated each sore toe. There was the idle thought that other farriers hadn't taken so long figuring out where to start with his feet. They would immediately get him on the couch, trim the extra length, and then go from there. But there was no couch to be found, and his feet were pretty bad…
“The things they’ve done to you,” the Proctor said, as if on cue. Tutting as he twisted his left hind foot, a particularly painful one, in his hand. “It’s like they were trying to ruin you before you could reach your true potential.” Kevin took a deep breath and held it. The concept of people out to get him sat bitter and acidic in his gut (it would explain why no one ever did anything-) but worse was the immediate memory of Kwarrel that popped up at the word ‘potential’. The first adult to say he had it without an insult laced in the word, dead and gone all too recently because he was a coward-
Bleating loudly, he yanked his foot away the thumb pressing hard against the sore between his toes. On instinct alone he danced to the side, ignoring his pain and unsteady movements in the heartbeat before Servantis grabbed his ankle and yanked him back into place. Almost, almost, he kicked him. It wouldn’t have been difficult, he was certain he was stronger than the other Taur for all his age and size, but- But he had food, and shelter, and it wasn’t as if the way he bent his leg was as painful as his feet.
The Proctor thought he had potential, he couldn’t screw this up too.
“Careful, Kevin,” he said with a sharp smile the calf could hear for all he kept his eyes on the ‘Common Hoof Maladies’ poster on the far wall, “we wouldn’t want to hurt anybody we don’t mean to.”
“Yeah, sorry.” With a quiet laugh Servantis dropped his ankle, patted his flank. Behind him came the clatter of tools being sorted. Tentatively, Kevin lowered his foot to the floor, take some weight off the other three-
“Keep it there.” The order rankled, and his hooves hit the floor with a force that sent their deep, sharp pain straight up his leg. Shutting his eyes against the tears that sprung to his eyes, he didn’t fight the Proctor yanking his foot up again, twisted for a worse pain in his knee than before.
Still not so bad as his feet. And he’d felt plenty worse than them in the passed year.
“If this is going to be a proper partnership,” the horse said in that same calm, authoritative tone that seemed to be all he had, “you’re going to have to listen when I speak.” Kevin didn’t answer, but held his foot in place as the hand fell away and was replaced with the familiar pressure of clippers in his excess horn.
“Now,” Servantis continued on, as if he hadn’t expected an answer in the first place, “why don’t you tell me who destroyed your feet like this? Certainly the Null Void hasn’t been kind to them…”
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thealanomaly ¡ 2 years ago
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Old Man Shopkeep in the style of Ben 10: Omniverse.
(Character model used: Proctor Servantis)
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emperorsfoot ¡ 5 years ago
The entire Rooters Arc in Omniverse was just Servantis reacting badly to people calling him out on his shitty Osmosian RPF. 
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plumbersnullvoid ¡ 6 years ago
A Brief History of the Null Void
(( ~ OOC: This is the fanon history of the Null Void as it pertains to this blog and the tie-in fan fiction “Elevator Monologue” which can be read on AO3. ~ ))
The Null Void is a pocket dimension that exists outside of, but right next to real space. It was first discovered by Galvan explorer thousands of years ago. Galvan leadership decided that the best use for this new discovery was as a penal colony. 
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Criminals, both native born Galvans and alien alike were sent to the Null Void to live out their sentences removed from the rest of society and real space as a whole. 
For some, this was the worst fate. Banished to another dimension, never to see families or friends again. Set adrift in a harsh and unforgiving landscape. 
While others saw it as an opportunity. A way to make their own life in their own world. To start anew with no history or baggage to weight them down. A literal clean slate. In this new world to settle. 
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And settle it they did. 
The Null Void settlers were responsible for the main agricultural advancement in the Null Void. 
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Light is scarce in the Null Void, and fresh water even more so. Still, the Null Void settlers managed to yield a crop with enough nutritional value to sustain themselves. After several harvests, they managed to prefect the growing process enough to produce a surplus that could be traded with others. 
But not everyone sent to the Null Void was as self-reliant or community oriented as the Settlers. There were still always those whom would rather simple take rather than trade. 
As a solution to this problem, the Galvan leadership, the ones who’s decision it was to use the Null Void as a penal colony in the first place, created the Null Guardians. 
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Artificially created lifeforms to act as watch dogs and protect the Settlers trying to make a new life for themselves. 
As time went on and other planets and races discovered the Null Void, they started sending their own criminals and degenerates to the pocket dimension. The Null Void became a melting pot of different races, languages, cultures, and customs. Differed codes of ethics, and concepts of morality. 
Eventually, it became too complicated for the simplified minds of the Null Guardians to maintain and the Plumbers had to step in. 
They set up a prison in the Null Void. 
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No longer should planets or Plumbers just be throwing criminals in the Null Void casually. Now defendants must be tried, judged, and sent to a prison where they could be kept away from the now-natives of the Null Void that just want to live their lives unmolested. 
Incarcecon was a way to bring some version of order and safety to the Null Void. All run and maintained under Plumber purview. 
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But even Plumbers are not above corruption. 
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It was discovered that Incarcecon was built on top of a natural deposit of a unique mineral native to the Null Void. When ground down into a fine powder and inhaled, it would induce visions, hallucinations, and dreamsttates. Such a drug would sell very well on the intergalactic black market. A prison guard by the name of Morgg recognized this and staged a coup. 
He took over the prison. Killed a number of inmates during the initial fight. Replaced all the other guards with robots loyal to him. And installed himself as Warden. In control now, Morgg converted Incarcecon from a prison into a forced labor camp. Using the existing inmates and any new inmates that were teleported in as slaves to mine his product. 
This went largely unnoticed and unchecked by the Plumbers back in real space until Kevin 11,000 (whom was then known as “Ultimate Kevin”) returned to Incarcecon to exact revenge on Morgg for killing an inmate close to him. With Kevin came the Hero of the Universe, Ben 10,000 (whom was then still only “Ben 10″). Events unfolded as events involving Ben 10,000 usually do. The corrupt Warden was deposed and the inmates took over the compound. 
Incarcecon still stands today. But it goes by the name the Free Fortress and the same inmates who once called it a prison now call it “home”.
Around the same time as Incarcecon’s slave labor, another Plumbers project was going on in the Null Void. 
The Null Void was so full of different species and races, different languages and dialects, different cultures and customs, a project of Cultural Sensitivity began. A team called the Rooters and lead by a Proctor ranked Plumber by the name Hector Servantis. 
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They were the first Plumbers unit to be based in the Null Void. 
But they were not without their fair share of corruption.
Not long after the formation of the project, Proctor Servantis learned of a powerful piece of Galvan tech, arguably the most dangerous weapon in the known universe... and this advanced technology was given to a child. An Earthling child of the age of ten. 
Human children that young should not be given that kind of responsibility. Human children that young were still learning right from wrong. In the hands of a child, the Omnitrix could un-make the universe. 
Servantis switched his mission goal from cultural sensitivity and mediation to something entirely different and not at all in alignment with his original mission statement. 
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In the end, not much came of the Rooters plans. 
Eventually, the Magistrata was made aware of what Servantis was doing and confiscated his base, stripped Servantis and his Rooters of their ranks and privileges, and banished the team to the same Null Void they had abandoned. 
No longer Plumbers, the Rooters became just another band of criminals sentenced to live out their remaining days in the Null Void.
And the Null Void was not as safe as it used to be. 
Not to imply that the Null Void was ever “safe” to begin with. But, it had increased in dangers in recent years -mainly since Ben 10,000 (then “Ben 10″) began throwing his enemies into it without formal trial or sentencing. 
Most notable of these dangers are the Mutant To’kustar, commonly referred to as “Way Bads”. 
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The Way Bads continue to be a problem, as do the Rooters that the Magistrata left to wander the Void unsupervised. 
In an attempt to solve these new issues, a new plan was implemented. Not another prison or a covert team to operate autonomously, but a proper Plumbers base, same as any outpost in any star system in real space. 
A Plumbers Headquarters here in the Null Void. 
Plumbers HQ-NV.
Currently, the base and corresponding Plumbers officers are running under the leadership of Magister Rook Blonko, a Revonnahgander from Revonnah. 
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Magister Rook is the former partner of the famous Hero of the Universe, Ben 10,000 and has lots of experience mediating difficult situations. 
However, there is a rumor floating around that another change in the Null Void’s Plumbers leadership is in the works...
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edgybluerat ¡ 2 years ago
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All-new alternate universe shows: Citizen N°10, Alien Group, Ordinary Alien and Neutralverse. And of course the video game: Inhabitant of Earth
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entity9silvergen ¡ 4 years ago
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WIP for the third installment of my recreating old Ben 10 fanart series. Here’s Brainstorm, Doctor Psychobos, Proctor Servantis, and some other Cerebrocrustaceans! Trying something new with colored pens. Thinking about trying some monochrome or analogous themes this time rather than mixing colors.
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aureolusfirewrites ¡ 4 years ago
Just something for a new au I thought of listen to the song Panic Room by Au/Ra
When they were 8 Ben accidentally gets sent to the null void after an accident when he was playing with one of his grandpa's "plumper tools"
Max takes Gwen and Ken on the road trip to try and get their minds off of Ben's dissapearence and pressumed death, Gwen finds the omnitrix in the process.
Meanwhile Ben has managed not to die in the null void and Proctor Servantis finds him and makes him one of the amalgam kids. Ben has been there longer than Kevin but doesn't hold any jealously when Kevin is made team hero. He thinks Kevin is like his brother until he defects and joins Gwen now Ben sees Kevin as a traitor. And his vendetta against Kevin only gets worse after finding out that Kevin helped throw the mutant to'kustars into the null void making his home even more dangerous.
Ben grows up with the rooters to be, surprisingly, an extremely happy laid back kid. But make no mistake the conductiod human hybrid can fight. He's friends with all of the plumbers helpers Pierce being his closest friend after Kevin's betrayal. Peirce likes to call Ben "sparks" or "sparky"
When the mission to destroy Gwen Tennyson and Kevin Levin fails the first time when they're 11 Servantis wipes Alan, Manny, and Helen's memories. He keeps Pierce for Ben's sake but changes his memories so he doesn't remember the other amalgam kids. As for Ben it's hard to replace memories that never existed considering over his 8 years in the null void he's pretty much forgotten that he was actually from earth in the first place. And sending him in as a sleeper agent wouldn't work due to Kevin having intact memories, Gwen asking questions, and Max recognizing that Ben showed up out of no where.
Gwen doesn't know Ben is indeed alive because Kevin never realizes that they were the same kid. Leading to Ben spending double time in the null void.
All in all everything is pretty much fine until Gwen 10 recreates the universe and Kevin heads back into the null void to confront the rooters. Gwen shows up to help and finds herself fighting someone she never thought she would see again and someone who doesn't even remember her as his cousin.
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autistic-ben-tennyson ¡ 5 months ago
Thought I’d show the progress on my latest fanfic
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petrichorparacosm ¡ 4 years ago
Devlin Levin Ideas
To be clear, most of these ideas are not tied to any specific Ben 10k/future universe that we have seen; rather, these are all ideas applicable to any universe about Devlin. Many of the ideas will likely be incorporated into my own personal version of the character.
Devlin is Kevin Levin’s son. After Devlin’s appearance and before Gewvin became a thing, the basic story was that Kevin 11,000 had Devlin with a random, unnamed woman, and got put in the Null Void not long after. This backstory leaves a lot of blanks, and would not work for every version of Kevin. So, here are some alternate Devlin backstory ideas (some of which are shamelessly based off the headcanons of others):
The Clone Theory: someone (probably Proctor Servantis) cloned Kevin. This would allow for Gwevin without Gwen being Devlin’s mother. I actually really like this option for bad/crazy-Kevin-who-gets-redeemed, because I can imagine a power mad Kevin saving Devlin being what reignites the Tennysons’ faith in his ability to be saved himself.
Gwevin Version 1- Weird Osmosian Biology (I do not mess with that “Osmosians are not actually aliens” retcon btw): Kevin spawned Devlin all on his own, possibly with Gwen’s DNA, but maybe not. This preserves the possibility of the Tennyson family not knowing about him, opens up the possibility for him to be related to them or not, and works equally well with any Osmosian version of Kevin, good or bad.
Gwevin Version 2- Kidnapped Kid: Devlin is Kevin and Gwen’s kid, and was kidnapped when he was quite young. By a crazy Kevin? By an old enemy? By someone who just wanted an Osmosian for some reason? This backstory has a lot of room to play around in. Kevin could go crazy and kidnap his own kid, go crazy because someone kidnapped his kid, or he could remain sane. Having Devlin pop up years later is prime drama material.
Gwevin Version 3- Raised by Gwen (and maybe Kevin): this one is fairly self explanatory
Other Ideas
I think his full name is Devlin Kwarrel Levin
Devlin’s eyes look dark blue in his first appearance, but Kevin’s are black and Gwen’s are green, so I prefer one of colors those for him. Green, if he’s Gwen’s son.
If Devlin is Gwen’s son, I don’t think he inherited the Anodite Spark, personally.
If Devlin was mothered by a random woman from a Saturn colony, she was probably a criminal, and may not have been human. Devlin clearly takes after his father; his mother could easily be, say, a vulpimancer who runs a small organized crime ring. Devlin did not seem eager to return to his unnamed mother in his first appearance.
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kuphulwho ¡ 5 years ago
So @kariachi has been doing fic based on the concept of the Rooters’ documents leaking, and I just had to contribute with some angst.
Kuphulu stared blankly at the screen with glassy eyes. There he was. Azahotep, Aza, his Aza. He recalled Viktor saying that he and Aza had been separated in the Null Void at some point, but he never could have imagined just where he ended up after that. It was a video of Aza being questioned by Servantis.
His fists clenched at the disgusting display. The Proctor grew increasingly impatient with Aza, all while he frantically signed that he couldn’t speak, and he just wanted to go home. Most Anur natives could see this, but it was obvious that Servantis understood nothing. Frustrated, Aza grabbed the artificial hybrid’s pen and clipboard and proceeded to write. Once finished, he showed him what he had written, to which he repeated it out loud as he read. Aza nodded, confirming his message.
“My sincerest apologies, Azahotep. I am not familiar with Anurian Sign Language,” he ‘apologized’ in a nauseatingly nonchalant tone. “Please, do let me make it up to you. I’m sure I can get you back home.”
The face that Aza made... It was a face that Kuphulu would never forget. His face lit up hopefully, but it quickly became clear that this was only false hope. Within moments, the sparks flew. Aza had been electrocuted by the Proctor and was now convulsing over the table as his lackeys restrained him from behind. Momentarily, his body went limp, and he almost looked dead. But then he stared up at Servantis with pain in his eyes, partly from physical pain, and partly from the pain of betrayal.
“Take him away,” Servantis coldly commanded, never once breaking eye contact with Aza. There was no emotion in his voice. And that’s when the footage abruptly ended.
The whole time, Viktor had a hand over his mouth, and Crüjo’s ears drooped. The Transylian wore an expression of guilt and sadness. If only they had not gotten separated in the Null Void... Would things have turned out differently? Would this none of this have ever happened to Aza? He and the Loboan looked at their Thep Khufan friend in confusion as he rewound the video, pausing where Aza’s face had lit up, when he actually looked happy.
Kuphulu touched a hand to the screen, a finger dragging across his partner’s cheek. It was then that tears began to roll down his cheeks, choking on his own voice until he succumbed to his emotions, sobbing hopelessly as he buried his head in his hands. Crüjo could do nothing but whine at the sight, pulling his friend to his chest. In an instant, he was grabbing onto his shirt, his tears quickly soaking it. Unsure of what to say, all the Loboan could do was reassuringly rub his back. This was the first time that he had ever actually seen him cry, and he was at a loss for how to properly react. He briefly looked to Viktor with an face that said, help me.
“Um...”  Crüjo finally began. “If it’s any comfort, the documents said that he was among the escaped. He’s probably still out there somewhere, alive.”
Kuphulu looked up at him with hurt in his eyes, the tears returning as he pressed his face into his shirt again. Viktor frowned, placing his own hand on the Thep Khufan’s back.
“Everything will be alright, Kuphulu,” the Transylian assured him. “Whatever happens, know that we’re here for you.”
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catgirlxox ¡ 5 years ago
Ben Tennyson′s Best Traits
Just to preface, I think a lot of us in this fandom can agree that when a character acts or is written in a displeasing manner, we tend to dislike them. We may even go so far as to say that we hate these kinds of characters. We end up holding grudges against those who have done us wrong or caused harm to someone we love. Arguably, that is just human nature, even if these grudges can often be considered petty. I will be the first to admit that I am guilty of this. 
This is why I find it interesting that the character which has had these unfair circumstances be written into his story or has been bullied by the largely disliked characters in the series does not even do this himself. Quite the opposite, he seems to be much more cooperative, forgiving, and understanding in many cases where I, personally, know that I would not be same way. 
It is even credited by the writers that one of Ben’s best traits is his “good heart.” 
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(Source: Ben 10 Alien Force: The Complete Guide by Tracey West and Katherine Noll) 
I’d like to take a moment to commemorate Ben’s best traits, because, as you may know, his “flaws” are a hot debate in this fandom. 
Perhaps this is because flaws are something each of us have and therefore we can relate to imperfections and shortcomings. 
However, if that is the case, what is the point of criminalizing someone for minor imperfections when the things he is praised for greatly outshine those subjective “flaws”?
These traits are actually argued by some to be inconsistent throughout the series run, typically by those who have a distaste for Omniverse, and interestingly even by some who actually enjoy Omniverse. However, going through the following examples taken from each series in order, it seems that these traits actually are consistent and allow for continuity and even visible character development. 
One of the most obvious examples where we can see these traits is Ben’s friendship with Kevin. From the beginning, in the original series episode “Kevin 11″, even after Kevin had betrayed him for the first time, Ben is still shown to be willing to give him another chance. 
Kevin : “I guess I went too wild with power. I don’t have anyone else like you to help me.” 
Ben: “We can still be partners. We’d just be kicking butts for good instead of for ourselves. You could hang with us.”
According to this episode, Kevin had been abandoned by his parents and he clearly had some untreated mental conditions which clouded his judgement. However, he was still capable of understanding other people’s intentions and, probably due to the life he was living at the time, had still chosen to turn to violence. He disregarded the safety of others as a cause of a petty grudge on those who had apparently done him wrong, or caused him harm, and this only dug him an even deeper grave. 
As Kevin said, at the time, there wasn't anyone besides Ben who was willing to try to look past his destructive and damaged way of being in the interest of helping him heal. In spite of this, some have argued that because the Tennysons allowed Kevin to just get away at the end, it makes them responsible for the way Kevin’s life had turned out throughout the next five years. 
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However, if Ben was to be seen as responsible for getting them kicked out of the hotel for the stunt he pulled in the beginning of the episode, should Kevin not be seen as responsible for his own actions here as well? 
Ben had clearly stated that he was willing to help him, and Kevin did not take that chance. He chose to run away instead, perhaps because that was all he knew how to do at that point in his life.
The Omniverse flashbacks which took place between the original series and Alien Force revealed that Kevin was willing to trust others if they had some common ground, namely Proctor Servantis. 
The only difference is that Ben was genuine while Servantis was manipulative. 
Servantis made Kevin believe that the destruction he could cause would serve a greater purpose, making him part of something bigger than himself. He was no longer alone, and no longer fighting for just himself because he was made to believe that Ben was the problem, and he was the solution.
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“Crazy?! I got friends in high places now, brat! I'm the hero, you’re the problem! And all this time you let me think I was the problem, when it’s you! All of you! You’re the problem! And I'm the solution!”  - Hybrid Kevin, Omniverse: “Weapon XI: Part 2″
In spite of all of this, come “Ben 10 returns”, Ben puts all of their past differences aside and offers another chance at redemption. Which, as we all know, Kevin takes for real this time. 
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Prior to “Alone Together”, Ben and his team had been fighting the Highbreed and DNAliens, trying to put an end to their operation. 
The Highbreed were literally the cause of so much trauma that the team endured within the first two seasons. The Highbreed are the reason Max had “sacrificed” himself back in “Max Out”, and because “Alone Together” happens before “Voided”, where Max is revealed to still be alive, Ben is still under the impression that Max is gone and he is still grieving. 
In spite of this, “Alone Together” shows Ben trying to cooperate with a Highbreed, and even helping him survive, rather than being vengeful and holding a grudge against one of those who had arguably contributed to his own suffering. 
The following page (from the Ben 10 Alien Force: The Complete Guide book) credits him for this as well:
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If Ben had not taken the initiative to try to find a common ground with Reiny so that they could survive their temporary stay on Turrawuste, and continued to attempt to persuade him to change his ideology, do you really think that Reiny would have done so on his own?
All of Ben’s efforts shown here are the reason the Highbreed war could be stopped in “War of the Worlds.”
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Imagine what would have happened if the Omnitrix reconstructed the DNA of all Highbreeds, and Reiny didn’t show up to show them that they can still live, even without the “genetic consistency that had been a pillar of their cultural identity for so long.” They seemed to whole-heartedly believe that immediately committing mass suicide would be their only remaining “honorable” move. 
The War would have ended with mass suicide of an entire species had Ben’s kindness and cooperation not impacted Reiny’s world view. 
Reinrassig III: “No. There is another way. This human once cured an ailment of mine by changing my DNA. At first, I thought the impurity a curse, but I have since learned otherwise. Fellow Highbreed, we can live.”
The Highbreed were very stuck in their ways due to the beliefs that were deeply ingrained in their culture and mentality. As we know from the real world, societal values change over time as we progress and learn from our history. Because of Ben’s willingness to communicate and cooperate with Reiny in “Alone Together”, everyone was able to move forward in harmony with a new positive outlook on their place in the universe, promoting positive change in societies - something that fighting to the death in search of revenge would not achieve. 
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Speaking of people who are stuck in their ways, “Reflected Glory” brings back Cash and JT, Ben’s childhood bullies. 
“Fame” seemed to attempt to redeem them somewhat, however, their actions in this episode take away from that significantly. 
If you take into account all the events that make up Ben’s life throughout Alien Force, and all the burdens he had to carry at the age of fifteen in secret, perhaps you’ll realize that having his identity revealed in Ultimate Alien culminating in what is seemingly a loss of trust by those who he was trying so hard to protect in the first place can be quite damaging. 
Where all his efforts for nothing? 
Had he risked his life all this time only for members of his own species to disown him?
It wasn't even only immature kids at school, it was grown adults like Will Harangue who publicly spoke ill of a teenage boy they didn't even know personally. And, as you may know, there are some people in this world who will blindly agree with everything they hear, so it wouldn't be surprising if there were other adult viewers of the Harangue Nation who agreed with Harangue’s views.
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“Ben Tennyson: threat or menace? Call in with your vote.” 
And, if they agree with his hypocritical views, who’s to say they wouldn't also agree with his rather destructive, threatening, and menacing actions? 
Attempting to kill a teenager, for instance, as shown in Ultimate Alien’s “Video Games”, and, not taking into account the fact that, if Ben was really a threat, actual law enforcement would get involved rather than working alongside him.
The scene where Ben walks into the school hallway, with all these judging gazes turned his way is very powerful because, knowing Cash and JT, they absolutely could have taken the chance to humiliate him again since Ben had put them in their place in Alien Force’s “The Gauntlet.” 
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Instead, he got a much deserved round of applause from everyone, including and initiated by Cash and JT.
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The only thing that strikes me as problematic about this is the implication that all these immature teenagers have the power to criticise him and make him feel inadequate. They get to choose whether he deserves to be praised or vilified without truly knowing what he had just gone through. 
Why should the opinions of people like Cash, JT, or Harangue even matter?
Does Ben not deserve to feel proud of himself regardless of what they think of him?
Do they realize that they are all even still there to make him feel inadequate only because he had saved everyone from being destroyed by the Highbreed through all his work and dedication throughout the first two seasons of Alien Force?
Do they realize the severity of what could have happened?
The DNA aliens were actually innocent people who were abducted. It could have been any of the kids in that hallway. It may be less likely, but it could have even been Harangue himself.
Imagine the mass hysteria of so many missing persons cases across the US, and then realizing it had all been due to aliens that Ben had, not only stopped, but managed to make peace with in the end.
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That is why, in “Reflected Glory”, Cash and JT taking advantage of Ben’s fame and wanting to be seen as equal to him, without doing any of the work or enduring practically none of what he has, is disgusting. 
It is disgusting because they don’t seem to realize why Ben is famous. 
The events that I have just outlined unfold in a sort of butterfly effect. Ben’s actions in the events of one episode have a significant impact on the outcome of a later part of the story. 
For example, Ben consistently giving Kevin another chance to redeem himself eventually leads into Kevin actually taking him up on the offer and developing a healthy, productive relationship with Ben and Gwen where he can heal. Or, Ben’s small acts of kindness impacting one Highbreed’s ideology so much that it literally saved the world and changed the values of the entire Highbreed population. 
Cash and JT’s excuse is that they feel like “nobodies” due to their own bad choices. I can understand wanting to do good due to being “inspired” by Ben’s heroic deeds, but that is another thing entirely that isn’t even at play in their thought process here. 
They thought that Ben owed them for their little round of applause. 
Can you really equate Cash and JT swallowing their pride to give Ben the credit he deserved, and Ben risking his life in secret for the majority of Alien Force in order to make sure the entire universe is saved, including people he might not like, such as Cash and JT? 
They have the audacity to want to be called heroes, and think that capitalizing on someone else’s past trauma will grant them that title. Cash even partially lied about the “real” reason he needed the money this production will bring in, claiming it was for mother’s operation, rather than just a nose job, knowingly taking advantage of Ben’s good heart and cooperative nature.
As Max put it, “being a hero isn’t about other people knowing you did something good, it’s about you knowing you did something good.” 
Because they didn't seem to gain anything from taking Ben’s side at school, it wasn't enough for them to just know they've done something good. Instead, they've chosen to pretend they've done something good by pretending to be the “brains behind Ben 10.” And that in itself would be considered doing something bad instead. 
Realistically, Ben didn't have any obligation to allow them to pull him into a gigantic lie for no one’s benefit but their own, but, as shown in the previous examples, Ben’s empathy for those who have taken the wrong path in life seems to be the reason for him allowing them to continue doing this.
However, Cash, JT, and their camera man sticking around, unarmed, while Ben, Gwen, and Kevin are dealing with dangerous criminals just goes to show how negligent Cash and JT are about the safety of others. It can make it harder for Ben to do his job properly if they get in the way, making them a liability. This is exactly what happens once the fight with Psyphon begins. Which, by the way, was actually caused by Psyphon having caught wind of them claiming be the “brains behind Ben 10″ anyway.
A similar thing occurs in Omniverse’s “Collect This”, where others, namely Professor Hokestar, Simian, and Deefus Veeblepister, are trying to capitalize on, what is not only Ben’s achievements, but his entire life at this point. 
Can you imagine being a sixteen year old superhero, technically, a full time space cop, your work comparable to that of a soldier, who we know serve their country and risk their life protecting others everyday...and without your knowledge, there are others out there who are just using the concept of your everyday wins and loses to make a profit off of?
Ben is practically dealing with a case of identity theft. 
He had every right to be bothered by the idea of someone else taking advantage of his name again. Not only because this has happened to him before, specifically in Ultimate Alien’s “Double or Nothing”, but because along with his name comes all that he has accomplished and endured in order to make that name so famous. To make a profit of it, and possibly make him look bad in the process, without his consent, is an issue. 
Instead of focusing on how much this probably aggravated him, he handled the situation in the episode in a reasonable, intelligent, and mature way, showing his character development and how reliable he is. The Earth was about to be “collected”, and Ben put aside all the things that bothered him personally about the situation to prioritize saving the world again, and on a time limit too!
Deefus Veeblepister: “Look kid, I know who you are. I didn’t make ‘Ben 10′ a household name just so your little ‘hero thing’ can steal my thunder.”
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“I suggest you make a new name for yourself. It’s confusing!” 
Deefus had claimed to have made “Ben 10″ a household name. Meaning, the name is apparently only as famous as it is now due to the TV show produced by Hokestar. However, this is blatantly false, unfair, and offensive.
Just to reiterate what we should all know by now, “Ben 10″ technically became a household name after Ben made peace with the Highbreed in Alien Force’s “War of the Worlds”, news of this success spreading throughout the galaxy, and inspiring beings from other planets to contact Ben personally and award him a medal or ask for help with their own planetary crisis, such as in the Alien Force episodes “Vengeance of Vilgax” and “Simple”, respectively. And, it goes without saying that Ben’s fame spread to Earth come Ultimate Alien. 
But, let’s not forget this is all because of what he did. It is as a cause of all the battles he fought and all the pain, loss, fear, and criticism he suffered throughout Alien Force and Ultimate Alien that made him, and his name, so well known. That should not be undermined and reduced to just an insignificant “little hero thing.” 
Please realize that this isn’t even something Ben himself ever brings up in the actual episode either. I have no doubt that it bothers him to some extent, but he surprisingly lets them off the hook as long as they don’t cause any more real danger to real people during the process of making their show, and subsequently, stop giving him a bad name. 
The, so-called, “real” Ben 10 (Deefus) was supposedly based on the hero Ben 10 (the Ben we know), and that in and of itself implies that he is a representation of the hero Ben 10. But, aside from some similar catchphrases and a colour-scheme accurate costume...the most important part of Ben’s character, the parts that make him a hero, all the good traits I keep outlining, which are derived from his humanity, were lacking. In fact, while pretending to be a hero, this guy actually caused a traffic accident!
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It goes without saying that Ben obviously fixed this mess as cleanly and quickly as he could. He absolutely could have taken this chance to be what the fandom deems “immature” and gloat about how he is a much better superhero because he’s the real hero here! Did you see how effortlessly he just saved that guy?!
But he doesn’t do that at all. His actions and words here should clearly point to where his priorities are. 
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“You put real people in real danger. I’m putting a stop to it.”
Lastly, as shown in this popular Tumblr post, the fandom was very proud of him in the ending scene especially. First of all, he never got an apology for all the trouble they've caused him. Hardly anyone showed Ben the respect he deserved for literally giving them something to capitalize on. But, as soon as Deefus finds something “offensive”, Ben has enough decency to be the better person, apologize, correct himself, and use Deefus’ preferred terminology instead of continuing to be “offensive”, which is very telling considering Ben has probably been offended the entire episode up until now. 
Ben: “This guy’s just a Sludgepuppy who turns into pretend aliens.”
Deefus: “Hey! That term is derogatory!” 
Ben: “What’s the big deal with the word “Sludgepuppy”l? I’ve got cousins who are Sludgepuppies.”
Deefus: “I’ll have you know it’s a very offensive slur.”
Ben: “Really? Wow. Sorry. Okay, a few Lenopan cousins.” 
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Even Deefus was taken aback by Ben’s maturity here. And where does that come from, might you ask? 
Character development and continuity. 
All of these circumstances showcase scenarios that are greatly unfair in Ben’s favour. In spite of this, he is continuously cooperative, understanding, forgiving, and reliable. 
Throughout all four series.
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kariachi ¡ 2 years ago
Who’s up for some angsty daemon au ficlet? One of the lowest points in Kev and Annelie’s relationship, back when they were with the Rooters.
Warning for some self-harm and Servantis.
They stared at each other from opposing corners of their room (“cell” “room”), Kevin curled up on their cot, Annelie a large gecko pasted nearly to the ceiling.  Their bond felt tight, a contradictory and confusing upset at both the distance and the closeness churning in their gut.
It was the closest they got to each other any anymore.
Their bond had swung wildly like a spring doorstop these past few years. Gone from the desperate closeness of the neglected and alone to refusal to even speak with each other after the Omnitrix. From a unified front in Incarsecon to empty, broken silence as they wandered. From wary comfort to… this.
(“We’re going to do better.”)
(“These aren’t requests, they’re orders.”)
(“This is for the greater good.”)
(“Everything with Ben and Cassie was your fault, and you know it.”)
She hung further out when she could, stretching the distance between them until it ached. Sometimes so far their breaths became shallow and stuttering. Enough the others would watch them with concern, waiting for the moment they would surely come back to each other. One that that never came.
(“We’re not kids anymore-”)
(“Our friends are in a cage-”)
(“Things are going right for once in our life!”)
(“Why won’t you listen to me?!”)
The Proctor had suggested Separating at one point. It would be easy, to just walk across one of those spots in the Null Void that daemons couldn’t enter and be able to get farther away from each other than ever. For the first time in months there’d been some indication that Annelie still gave two shits about her other half in the way she’d turned to a bellbird and screamed at the idea. Too far away for Poppy to do anything, Servantis had ended up throwing a chair at her to shut her up. She still hadn’t forgiven Kevin for not attacking him for it.
Separation wasn’t suggested twice though.
(“They’re going through all this for our sake-”)
(“They think they own us-”)
(“I can’t ruin this too.”)
(“Don’t make me hate you.”)
Neither would ever say who turned their back first; could ever say, the move was so synchronized. Annelie counted the marks of age and wear in the corner. Kevin pulled the covers over his head, eyes squeezed shut.
(“It’ll all be worth it in the end, I promise.”
“Say that when the pain stops.”)
Tomorrow wouldn’t be any better.
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yoshimickster ¡ 6 years ago
How the hell did Kwarrel know how Kevin’s powers worked?
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Was HE an Osmosian who happened to mutate into a...grey...elf person(Kevin and Darkstar’s mutations make me think ANYTHING is possible)? Was he a part of Proctor Servantis’ experiments, but got too wise and was imprisoned? WHO THE FUCK WERE YOU KWARREL?!
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